Why Past-Due Medical Bills and Low Financial Literacy Go Hand-in-Hand
March 6, 2017
Healthcare expenses are an outsize burden on many households, and unpaid health-related bills correlate highly with low levels of financial literacy, according to two new …
Financial confidence is an important key to overall financial wellness, new research shows. People that are confident tend to take action-and assuming their actions are …
The Surprising Reason Boomers Need to Know More About Student Loans
January 17, 2017
The student debt problem goes way beyond young people becoming so financially strapped they are unable to launch their life. These loans totaling $1.4 trillion …
‘Confusion Exclusion’–or Rational Choice? Why Some of the Unbanked Stay That Way
January 6, 2017
Some 2 billion people around the world are financially excluded–and presumed to be in need of financial education because they do not use formal financial …