Young Adults ‘Hands-On’ Money Management Shows Need for Financial Education
December 1, 2016
Young adults are most likely to describe management of their savings and investments as hands-on, new research shows. Yet they are so insecure about how …
This Classroom Exercise Helped Kids Understand Real-World Money Issues
November 23, 2016
This is an updated version of an earlier post. Elementary school students are eager to engage in real-world economic decisions, and doing so significantly improves …
Why Do We Keep Failing to Teach and Understand Compound Returns?
November 21, 2016
Compound growth is a fairly simple concept. Yet time and again in surveys and financial literacy assessments young people fail a simple question on this …
How Students in Washington State are Gaining an Edge in Money Know-How
November 21, 2016
Under standards adopted this year, schools in the state of Washington now must include courses in financial literacy. For the first time, personal finance topics …
Why Educators Need to Think About the Value of Chores
November 1, 2016
Lots of research shows that relevant hands-on learning works best with lessons for kids about money management. They learn quicker and retain more of the …
How Education, Region and Sex Weigh on Financial Education
October 30, 2016
Academics and policymakers have been talking about the National Financial Capability Study since its summer release showed positive trends in how Americans experience their financial lives. …