Policy & Government

Who’s in Charge? Politics Threaten National Financial Literacy Agenda

Woodstock November 30, 2017

In an epic Washington tragicomedy, Republicans and Democrats this week both laid claim to leadership of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Ironically, the battle ignited

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DeVos Puts It in Writing: Financial Literacy in School a New Priority

October 17, 2017

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has been a polarizing figure, crusading for school choice and deriding opponents as “sycophants” and more. Now she is bringing her

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These States are Moving Forward on Financial Literacy in School

October 5, 2017

State authorities in Massachusetts often stumble when it comes to providing a framework for financial literacy learning. They did it again this summer: budget-minded Gov.

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Next Up: Equifax Ex-CEO on Hot Seat, Where Lawmakers Also Belong

September 27, 2017

Members of Congress are outraged—outraged! For weeks, they have had clever aids hard at work designing zingers to fire at the disgraced Equifax CEO Richard

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Can You Ace This Financial Literacy Quiz?

September 27, 2017

In a report, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau found that saving and staying out of debt are keys to financial well-being. It also found that

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After the Coming Purge at CFPB Here is What Will Be Left Standing

September 13, 2017

Richard Cordray has a tough commute. A resident of Ohio, he shuttles to and from Washington D.C. each week to lord over the financial industry

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The Good and the Bad: How Young Adults Can Become ‘Credit Visible’

August 3, 2017

In Karl Taro Greenfeld’s novel, The Subprimes, you are your credit score. A low score is a Scarlett letter of sorts that renders one virtually

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What Killed the myRA? Lack of Financial Education

July 31, 2017

The tragedy is not that the Trump administration will ditch the myRA retirement savings plan. It is that more people did not use it—a clear

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